Friday, July 11, 2014

Change of Plans

          In life things do not always go as planned, in fact it is a rarity when they do. Many times we will make plans for our future; what job we will have, who we will marry, how many kids, only to have those plans changed if not crushed outright by the circumstances of life. It is during those times in life where we find ourselves at a crossroads. We can either get mad at God, blame Him for ruining our plans, and walk away because who wants to serve a God who changes His mind all time or we can trust that He knows what He is doing, that he has a plan, and that He truly is who He says He is. You see I write this now because I have come to this crossroads and yet again I am left here scratching my head wondering what happened? How did everything change so quickly and why did it change in the first place? The plans changed so rapidly that it took my breath away...literally. The change was a blind side hit and as I sit here I am left with the pain that comes with that kind of destructive fallout. Anger for allowing myself to be vulnerable enough to be hurt, confused as to why, when everything seemed to be going so, did it blow up, but most of all hurt...hurt because I thought I had finally found the one...hurt because I had finally gotten the strength to put my heart out there 100% only to have it smashed.
          So where do I go from here? I find myself at the crossroads with one part of me wanting to be angry at God  and the other knowing that God is bigger than my circumstances and that He is working everything out for His glory. I have been here before and I have taken the angry route and although it did bring me to peace in God eventually it was a very long road to do so. I know that my God is bigger than my problems and that He sees my pain. I know that He loves me and that He will not forsake those that He loves and I know that ultimately His plan will come to fulfillment if only I will trust Him. Even when I am left asking why I know that He is still God and he is still worthy of my praise. I will not allow this change of plans to break me nor will I allow it to destroy all that He built last year. Even when the plans of life change He remains the same.

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