Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Funny Moments in Rwanda

                So I know it has been awhile since my last blog but I thought that I would do one telling the funniest stories of this trip…. Or at least stories I thought were funny. SO first up is the story of the cockroach

The Cockroach

                It was my first night here and Mrs. Bohanon had shown me the house earlier in the day. She had seen a roach in the bathroom but said it was dead and I could just get it later. That night all the lights are out and I go into the bathroom barefoot and all of a sudden I start to feel something move under my foot. I jump and scream...shout cuz scream sounds like a high pitched girl so we will say shout....grunt I grunted. Anyway, I move my foot and the roach that was supposed to be dead crawls away and needless to say I was very disturbed. Great first night in Kigali

The Crashed Moto

                During my time here I have seen some really bad wreaks and have at times been a little worried about riding on motos, especially after nearly smashing into the side of a car one night. Anyway I go outside and hail a moto driver to stop. He stops and we discuss price and where he is taking me. He hands me the helmet and I notice that the back portion of it is missing a triangler shaped chunk. I put it on and notice the visor has been cracked as if it hit full force onto pavement. Fear starts to creep in. I take a harder look at the guys moto and notice that where the gauges and console should be there is a hole that I can see the wheel and ground through. The head light is gone and his mirrors are cracked and shattered. The dude had wrecked and by the look of it, it had happened pretty recently. I had already told the guy where I was going and how much I would pay, I had the helmet on. I couldn’t just take it off and say no. So I got on and the whole way was bracing myself for impact, praying to God that my insurance would hold up. Luckily nothing happened and we made it safe but needless to say I have been a little more selective and observant when it comes to motos I use.

The Bird in a Box

                So while I am living in Gisenyi with Tina and the African girls that stay with her we all decide to go out and eat. Tina, Katie, and I were going to go and the girls would catch up in a bit. So we leave and at the dinner table the girls join us and one of them looks at us and says “Doreen caught a bat!! Its in the House!!!” Now we all thought she was joking and laughed it off but no sooner had we arrived home and I sat down on the couch I notice the dogs barking and looking up at a ledge. I look up and there in the box of a remote control car, is a bird. I lost it. I laughed so hard that tears were coming out. I could not believe that she had actually caught a bird and put it in a box. We let the bird go after we all were done laughing. The best part was that Doreen could not understand what was so funny.

Moto racing

                One day while I was riding on a moto we stopped at a stoplight. Now what you should now about Rwandan stoplights is that all the motos creep to the front and the light actually counts down till it turns green. We were waiting there with probably about 7 or 8 other motos watching the light time down. 20 secs, 15 secs, 10, and all of a sudden at 8 secs all the moto drivers start looking at each other and revving their bikes. Not just one or two, no all 8 of them. The look back and forth at each other and my thought was “Their really gonna race….this is awesome” and sure enough the light hits green and they take off. Needless to say the one without a passenger one but we did manage to beat a bike with a big dude on it so we weren’t last.

The Chicken That Crossed the Wrong Road

                One day while I was in Gisenyi I sat in my room when all of a sudden I hear all the girls screaming and yelling at the dogs. Now one of the girls yelling at the dogs is not unusual but all three of them plus Tina is something that does not often happen. So I get up to see what the commotion is all about and as I walk out the front door I see this big pile of feathers lying in the yard and Tina standing there somewhat in shock. I asked what had happened and she said “Jiffy (her dog) got a hold of the neighbors chicken and killed it.” Now I thought this somewhat humorous but she was distressed so I held in my laughter… that is until one of the girls went to pick it up and it jumped 2 feet into the air scaring the girl have to death and causing her to scream and run. Apparently the chicken wasn’t dead after all. So I did what any person from Missouri would do. I grabbed my machete and performed a mercy killing by cutting off the head. Gotta say it was a good clean chop too. Anyway I put gloves on and go and recover the remains to throw away when I notice the chicken’s eyes. The thing was blind in not just one but both eyes. Somehow a blind chicken had gotten over our 8 foot high walls and into our yard. There is an old saying that “they never saw it coming” and when it came to this chicken and Jiffy, It literally never saw him coming.  

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