Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Church Without Walls

The Church Without Walls

                The road weaved and wound alongside the side and tops of the mountains. Surrounded on all sides by beauty unfathomable unless experienced. On one side the hills rose and dipped across the green landscape as the valley snaked its way between the mighty hills majestically emulating splendid colors of vibrant greens that clashed and harmonized with the rich blue sky. The other side seemed to give off a reflection of the other but yet different patterns. The car bounced along the dirt road, bobbing up and down with each bump and pothole that filled this long forgotten and neglected path. Red dirt blew in through the windows, air so ripe and thick with it, it could be smelled and tasted. The sun hung low, having only broke skyline a mere 2 hours prior, sending streams of light pouring into the dense brush that rolled with the hills and casting long shadows upon the ground. Pastor Bohanon, his wife, our interpreter John, John’s friend Rose, and myself were on our way to a small AG church in a small village within Byumbia District. It rested at the top of a mountain, far above the valley that made its way below us. After an hour in the car, half of which was along the old beaten path, we arrived at a piece of property that was without building. We step out of the car and at first glance I notice that there are pillars of brick and mortar rising up in a rectangular pattern and within these pillars danced and sang the 70 or so church members, only 30 of which were adults. No roof, no building, just chairs, pillars, benches, and the children of God gratefully and passionately worshiping His name. We went and joined the people, being greeted by a throng of smiling, worshiping, little ones clapping their hands and singing at the top of their tiny lungs. We take our place at the chairs they have set out for us and I look behind me to see the continuation of the beautiful landscape that had so captivated me on our way in. As I watch the church worship and sing their songs beneath a shining sun and in the midst of a gentle breeze I am reminded that the church is not a building, nor is it any physical or material thing. The church is the coming together of the people of God in faith and worship, giving testimony of the great works of His hand. I was so blessed to witness this in action. Once bible study started I noticed that up on the hill sat a few kids in tattered clothes and skin splattered and speckled with the dirt that they had been playing in. I got the opportunity to go and sit on the hill with them. I figured that if I was just to sit with them, they might stay longer and here more and I would be able to encourage those walking the street to join in and listen. This is exactly what happened, especially since it was a white man that was preaching. My one kid turned into around 10 or 11 with a few adults scattered about, captivated by the passion and power of the white preacher speaking about the Holy Spirit. I was then given a great revelation. The church was never meant to be confined to a building but exposed for all the world to see. This church without walls was able to draw in the passerbys who normally wouldn’t have stepped into a church building. They were able to hear the message, and participate in the worship and observe the power and blessing of God due to the lack of walls. I think about some of the great revivals and how many of them were tent revivals. Why is it that tent revivals have so much effectiveness? I believe it is because the church is open and people walking by are able to see in and feel the presence of God and once that Presence is felt it captivates and intrigues the soul, drawing them into an encounter with The One who can save them and who loves them more than any mind can imagine or comprehend. How humbled I was and how honored I felt to be able to witness and be a part of what God is doing here in Rwanda, to see how God took what looked like a bad thing (the church had been blown down by a storm) and turned it into something that He could use for His glory and purpose. This experience has just jumped to the top of my experience list of this trip. A church without walls…..maybe it’s time…
The Church Without Walls
Journey there

Our Interpretor John

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