Tuesday, August 26, 2014


"Hope is a good thing and no good thing ever dies"- Shawshank Redemption

         Hope. Such a simple word with not so simple meaning. Hope is what drives us during the rainy seasons. Its what makes the dark times bearable and the hard times beatable. Hope that with every dusk there will be a dawn. Hope that no matter the situation, no matter the pain, there is always a reason, always a lesson. Hope that even when we feel as if we cannot go on any longer and everything in life seems to have crumbled around us, we know that there is still a better tomorrow whether in this life or the next. As i have struggled and battled these past couple months I have held on to my hope. The hope that He is doing something wonderful. The hope that when this is all said and done I will look more like Him. The hope that when I finally see Him it will all be worth it. That's what I hope for. What is it you hope for? When you go outside and look up at the stars what do you find yourself wishing for? Maybe you are in a good place and you seem to have every thing you had ever hoped for and to you I say hold on to these moments, because if life has shown us anything it is that things change quickly and life never seems to stay perfect for long. So remember these times when life gets rough so you will have a tangible memory to hold on to. Maybe you are in a rough place like I am and life seems to be the exact opposite of what you had hoped for. To you I say hold on. Hold on to Him and the hope that He gives each and every one who calls on His name and know that no matter what happens you are loved and cared for; you are held close and treasured by the creator of the universe...what more could one hope for 


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