Saturday, May 30, 2015


Lord where are you, where have you been? Do you not hear my cry for you? Can you not sense my pleading for you and for your presence? Darkness ensnares and sin rages within me and all the while I call on you for salvation and aid but you remain silent. How long Oh lord will I have to put on this charade of being ok on the outside all the while knowing that death is merely inches away from my door? How long oh lord will you wait and sit idly by while I am ravaged by the cares of this world? Will you not come down and rescue? Could you not simply pluck me from travesty? Just a simple dose of your presence would be enough to satisfy my aching heart and revive it to what it once was. You alone oh Lord can save me and you alone oh Lord can set me free. I call on you asking that you save and set free, that you do what only you can do. It is only in your presence where I am made whole and it is only in your presence where sin becomes void. For you alone oh Father are the maker and lover of all and you alone oh Lord can set me free.

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