Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blessing and Thanks

                First off let me say that last time I wrote I was sitting in candlelight. Well this time I find myself sitting on my porch listening to the crickets chirp and the noises of the city going to sleep. A combo of sounds that in America really wouldn’t go together, but here they seem to harmonize in a perfect unison that one must hear to believe. There is an old saying that I would like to put into practice in this new blog. It’s the saying of “Count your blessings” so this blog is going to do just that J

                First off comes the obvious. I am sitting in Rwanda…..I LIVE in another country….not just visiting, no LIVING. How awesome is that? I get to see the beauty of God’s creation in a new light and I get to experience a new and amazing culture on a day-to-day basis. This is truly a blessing. While I have been here I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing people. There is Amy Willis who has taught orphans all over the globe and is now teaching at an orphanage in Gisenyi, on top of running a business that employs woman in the area and gives them a means of income. Then there is Robin. Robin is from India but now manages a tea company in Gisenyi. The thing that makes Robin so awesome is his generous spirit. The man will do anything for anybody. It may be a part of his culture but I see a heart that loves helping people. He has been a major benefit during my time here. I was able to meet two girls named Tara and Allison who started the business that Amy now runs. They saw a need and met the need. Tara saw the girls at the orphanage and followed a dream that was laid on her heart to start a bag making business and employ the woman there. That dream became a reality and has blessed woman all over the area. I met a woman named Tash who has traveled the world and seen some of the most amazing sights. Her photos and videos are breathtaking. I met a girl named Elise who did what Tara did except with guys and it is because of her that I was able to come to Rwanda in the first place. She has been a major blessing. There have also been teams who have come through and I have met two gentlemen who have amazing stories and testimonies. Frank Pass, who is now a leader at VO (visiting orphans) started out as a youth pastor but through a series of events and the divine plan of God, he now travels the world leading missions trips. Another man I met who I connected to instantly was a man by the name of Terry Ford. Now Terry has a story and I don’t wanna tell it without his approval so I won’t but I just wanna say that he has been an encourager during my time here and I truly appreciate his encouragement. There are my new mentors and spiritual parents Gary and Sherry (I think I spelled that wrong) who have taken me under their wing and who are teaching me and helping me how to be the bets man of God I can be. The wisdom that has come from them has already impacted me and I know more is to come.

                Among the white people I have met there has been a variety of Rwandans that I have gotten to know. There is Bosco who just graduated from university and he is such an awesome man of God. He loves big and I see the lord moving in him in such a powerful way. I met Babtistie…(that’s not how you spell that lol) He helped out in the house in Gisenyi washing clothes, doing yard work, ect. He was always at the house at 7am (if not earlier) and worked his heart out every day. His laugh is contagious and fills the house. He is such a carefree man and I consider it an honor to have met him. I met Israel who lived at Noel but is now attending university in Kigali. He is an AMAZING basketball player. The dude could easily have played D1 given the chance. Talks with him were never lacking. The three girls living in the Gisenyi house, Elise, Doreen, Janette, cooked and goofed off. They were a beacon of joy and could always be counted on for a good laugh. Faustin was my right hand man and has helped me through the transition. He is such a hard worker and truly cares for his family. These are just to name a few of my new friends J

                Now when I got to Rwanda I was to live in a small house with no gate and it was tucked away in an alley like thing. I was honestly freaked out but God provided someone who I cannot say enough about and who has been a MAJOR asset and friend during my time here. Tina is a woman with a story to tell and has been through so much. She honestly should not be where she is but by the grace of God she is a loving mother, a caring caretaker, and so full of wisdom. There is another girl in the Gisenyi house that this list would be incomplete without and that is Katie. She is 19 and is living in Africa, giving her life to serve the lord. We have had awesome talks and she has become a major friend.

                Now on to my home friends. There is a couple in Nashville, TN who I actually met here and who I had the privilege of living with for three weeks. Ben and Kassie Wilson are musicians who came here to visit the little girl they sponsor and I knew immediately that a friendship was forged. Many a nights we laughed so hard that tears would start to roll down out faces. There is Zac Williams who has always been someone I could vent to and lean on. Tressa who has never ceased to pray for me and be there for me when I was upset. Jordan Freeman is someone I loved to talk to about the military situation going on and laugh at the reactions he would reply with. Amanda Briggs has been an encourager and Anthony Johnson has made sure to pray for me and I have felt every one. I also have a home prayer team that work with my mother in Lana and Paula and I know that there prayers have helped me find joy. I have a second set of parents back home named Jerry and Susan who have been a major support not just in this journey but since I was 15. They have encouraged and loved on me and seen me at my worst and now at my best.

I would now like to go all the way home and talk about my family. I have a family that has supported me every step of the way. I have a father who has given me encouragement and let me know that he is proud of what I do. I have a mother who I can always go to and who has probably heard me cry more these past few months then in the past few years lol. I have two brothers who have got to be the best in the world. I have a brother who is married and he and his wife have pushed me to be better and go at this with all I have. I have a younger brother who I am so proud of and I wouldn’t trade him for anything. He is one of my best friends. I also have grandparents who have supported me and who have poured wisdom into me since birth.

                Now for the small things. I have a grill which is AMAZING!!!! I nearly cried when I heard that I would have one. I get a hot shower every night. I have a church that has supported me financially in a major way. I have my own house….. I HAVE A HOUSE…..IN AFRICA!!!!! I get to listen to the sounds of Rwandans worshiping almost every night and these are just to name a few. And last but not least I have the blessing of a God and Savior who have taken the time to change me and pour into me. It is because of Him that I am here and it is because of Him that my life has been so radically change and I know that I have merely broke the surface of this deep ocean that is His love and presence.

                So that’s it and I know its not hugely spiritual or deep but after being here three months I wanted to give thanks where it is due J

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